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Museum Tours Day at the Florence Nightingale Museum

Florence Nightingale Museum, 2 Lambeth Palace Rd, Lambeth, London, SE1 7EP

Saturday, 30 November 2024

11:30am, 1:30pm and 3:30pm

  • Save to calendar 2024-11-30 00:00:00 2024-11-30 00:00:00 Europe/London Museum Tours Day at the Florence Nightingale Museum Do you want to explore the Florence Nightingale Museum with a resident expert of all things ‘Lady with the Lamp’?Well you are in luck! Join us at 11:30am, 1:30pm, and 3:30pm for a tour of our museum led by a member of staff! Hear Florence Nightingale’s story and learn about the most pivotal pieces in our collection!Tours will last around 30 minutes and will be included in all general admission tickets! Florence Nightingale Museum, 2 Lambeth Palace Rd, Lambeth, London, SE1 7EP Florence Nightingale Museum
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Do you want to explore the Florence Nightingale Museum with a resident expert of all things ‘Lady with the Lamp’?

Well you are in luck! Join us at 11:30am, 1:30pm, and 3:30pm for a tour of our museum led by a member of staff! Hear Florence Nightingale’s story and learn about the most pivotal pieces in our collection!

Tours will last around 30 minutes and will be included in all general admission tickets!

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