A Relaxing Lavender Body Ritual, Hot Tub and Picnic Lunch at Owl House Spa

A Relaxing Lavender Body Ritual, Hot Tub and Picnic Lunch at Owl House Spa

Diseworth, Derbyshire


Owl House Spa's Lavender Crush Signature Body Ritual is a true pampering experience and the beautifully tranquil setting of the Derbyshire countryside is the perfect place for some chill out time. The ritual begins in a herbal infusion steam chamber - a Lavender and Petitgrain Polish is applied from head to toe then left to settle while relaxing in steam. After 20 minutes, a warm tropical rain shower washes the polish off, leaving smooth skin. Afterwards, enjoy being covered in rose body gel and having an aromatherapy massage for 75 minutes. Finally, after applying a nourishing body cream, be wrapped in a cotton sheet and receive an Ayuvedic scalp massage to complete the ritual. Use of the hot tub is included and also a tasty picnic lunch

Special Offer At A Relaxing Lavender Body Ritual, Hot Tub and Picnic Lunch at Owl House Spa



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Events At A Relaxing Lavender Body Ritual, Hot Tub and Picnic Lunch at Owl House Spa



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