Wrekin Conveniences

Contact Supplier

Wrekin Conveniences

Telford, Shropshire, TF5 0LH

Wrekin Conveniences specialises in luxury toilet hire for all types of events in Shropshire, Staffordshire and the surrounding counties.

Our units are of the highest standard and do not require a mains water supply or drainage as they are fully self-contained. We offer a friendly and reliable service and are committed to assisting you in the smooth running of your event.

Our mobile luxury toilet hire service is a complete solution as we offer a daily service visit or an attendant service to maintain the cleanliness of the facility and re-stock toiletry items throughout your event.

A reasonably flat area to site the luxury toilet unit is the ideal. In addition to this we require access space for the delivery Land Rover and room for manoeuvring the unit to where you want it. Once sited all that is needed is a 240v power supply to get the unit up and running. A final test will be made and we will be only too happy to answer any questions regarding the toilet unit.

The Ercall 1

This is our smallest unit, ideal for garden parties as it fits neatly onto a driveway or in the corner of a garden. The ladies side contains one toilet and one hand basin in a vanity area. The gentlemen have the same.

The Ercall 2

This unit is slightly larger than Ercall 1 as it has a separate, more spacious vanity area and can accommodate more guests. The ladies side contains one toilet and one hand basin in a separate vanity area. The gentlemen have the same.

The Lawley

This is our mid sized unit. It combines two ladies toilets and two hand basins whilst retaining ample vanity space. The gentlemen have one toilet, two urinals and one or two hand basins.

The Clee

This unit is recommended for the larger event. The specification for ladies includes three toilets and two hand basins in a spacious vanity area. For the gentlemen there is one toilet, three urinals and two hand basins.

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